Emergency 安全 Procedures

A Mess年龄 from the Director of 公共安全

Since the recent tr年龄dy in Florida, 在校园发生枪击事件的情况下,十大网赌app排行榜的程序和训练出现了一些问题. 总统让我联系大家,就十大网赌app排行榜的程序向大家提供一些额外的信息.

第一个, 十大网赌app排行榜拥有一支优秀的公共安全专业人员和大学员工队伍,他们每天都在努力确保学生的安全, 教职员工.

第二个, 让十大网赌app排行榜回顾一下十大网赌app排行榜每个人都可以采取的基本步骤,以有意识地保护自己的安全. Click here to view our emergency safety procedures.

-Lewis Sweigart, Director for 公共安全



一个活跃的射手是一个人积极从事杀害或试图杀死人在一个有限的和人口稠密的地区, typically through the use of firearms. 在一般情况下, 你如何应对一个活跃的枪手将取决于遭遇的具体情况.

Keep in mind there could be more than one shooter.


1. 运行

  • Have an escape route in mind 和 plan ahead.
  • 如果有可能安全逃离该地区并避免危险,那么就这样做.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • 如果您能够安全地这样做,请致电(314)529-9500联系公共安全部门,或拨打911.
  • Keep your h和s visible as officers respond.

2. 隐藏 

  • 如果无法逃脱,就躲在枪手视线之外的地方.
  • 用家具和其他重物挡住你的藏身之处.
  • Turn off all lights 和 close 和 lock all windows 和 doors.
  • Close all window blinds 和 curtains.
  • 如果你能做到的话 安全,请联系 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500,或致电 911.
  • 如果你能做到的话 安全, get all individuals on the floor 和 out of the line of fire.
  • Silence your cell phones/mobile devices.
  • 呆在那里,直到公共安全或其他授权人员或通过MU警报发出“所有安全”指令.

3. 战斗

  • 只有当你的生命处于迫在眉睫的危险时,才会把反击作为最后的手段.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
  • Act with physical aggression 和 throw items at the shooter.


面对活跃的枪手,警察经过训练,会立即前往最后一次听到枪声的区域. Their purpose it to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.

The first responding officers will normally be in teams of four (4); they may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms or they may be wearing external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets 和 other tactical equipment.

The officers may be armed with rifles, 霰弹枪或手枪,并可能使用胡椒喷雾或催泪瓦斯来控制局势.

Regardless of how officers appear, 保持冷静. Follow instructions the police give you. Do not be afraid of the officers. Put down any bags or pack年龄s you are carrying 和 keep your h和s visible at all times; if you know where the shooter is, tell the police.

The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people; rescue teams of other officers 和 emergency medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat 和 remove the injured.

Keep in mind that even once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene; police usually will not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control 和 all witnesses have been identified 和 questioned. 在你们被释放之前,请留在当局指定的集合地点.


当龙卷风警报发出时,你可能只有很少的时间准备. 如果你在大学附近看到龙卷风,请拨打校园电话(314)529-9500给公共安全部门打电话.


If you are inside a building:

  • Go to the lowest level of the building.
  • 使用远离建筑物外窗的内部走廊作为龙卷风避难所.
  • Close all doors to rooms with exterior windows.
  • 远离窗户.
  • Use arms to protect head 和 neck in “drop 和 tuck” position.

If there is no time to get inside:

  • Lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building.
  • Be aware of potential for flooding.
  • Use arms to protect head 和 neck in “drop 和 tuck” position.
  • 使用夹克、帽子、背包或任何类似的物品来保护面部和眼睛.

(Pull stations are generally located near stairwells 和 exits).

Report all fire 和/or smoke conditions to 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500,或致电 911.


  • Nature 和 location of fire 和/or smoke
  • Name 和 position with the university




  • Use the proper type of extinguisher.
  • 战斗 the fire with an exit to your back.
  • Evacuate immediately following the Building Evacuation Plan.


When you feel an earthquake, duck under a desk or sturdy table. 远离窗户, hanging or heavy objects that could fall. Stay under cover until the shaking stops.



在户外 -搬到空旷的地方,远离树木、标志、建筑物、电线杆和架空线路.

建筑物附近的人行道 -躲到门口,以防止掉落的砖块、灰泥和其他碎片.

开车 – Pull over to the side of the road 和 stop. Avoid power lines 和 other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.

CROWDED STORE OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACE – Do not rush for the exits. 远离摆放有可能掉落物品的展示架.

轮椅 -坚持下去. 移动到掩体,如果可能的话,锁住你的轮子,保护你的手臂.

厨房 – Move away from the refrigerator, stove 和 overhead cabinets.

礼堂 – Stay in your seat 和 protect your head with your arms. Do not try to leave until the shaking is over. Then leave in a calm, orderly manner. Avoid rushing towards the exits.


  • 为余震做好准备,并计划好当余震发生时你要躲在哪里.
  • Assess personal injuries 和/or any building dam年龄s 和 call 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 或打电话 911 安全.



Gather as much information as possible about the criminal/crime. 如果你能安全的话, 花点时间注意身高, 重量, 性, 比赛, 年龄, 服装, vehicles 和 if the individual is armed or not.

呼叫 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 from campus phones,或致电 911.


  • 您的姓名(可选)
  • 犯罪类型
  • 犯罪地点
  • 你的位置

– Be prepared to answer any questions the dispatcher may ask you.




If anyone suspects an item to be a bomb or explosive device, 不要在设备附近使用无线电通讯或手机. 立即联系 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 from a campus phone,或致电 911.


  • 来电者姓名
  • Description of the object 和 exact location



Follow the instructions of your supervisor or other authority, who will initiate the Building Evacuation Plan.

Follow any further direction authorities on site might give. 除非消防部门或市建局通知安全,否则不要再进入大厦.


In case of an injured person, immediately call 公共安全 at (314) 529- 9500 或打电话 911


  • 来电者姓名
  • 伤者姓名
  • 伤害性质
  • 伤者位置
  • 现场的电话号码

Listen for instructions from the dispatcher.

Do not move an injured person unless their life will be in danger.

Administer first aid to the injured person. 如果可能的话,叫人去找一个受过急救训练的人.



呼叫 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 from campus phones,或致电 911.

Evacuate the building immediately. 每一个人 必须 evacuate the building in a neat 和 orderly fashion. 如果其他人对警报没有反应或不知道撤离, inform them of the need to evacuate.

Use the stairs to evacuate the building. 不用电梯吗.


Stay upwind from smoke or chemical clouds.

Stay with classmates, fellow university employees, etc., so that a head count may be taken.

Follow any further direction authorities on site might give. 除非消防部门或公共安全部门通知安全,否则不要再进入大楼.


Immediately report all spills to 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500. If the chemical is hazardous in nature, also contact 911.

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • 化学名称
  • 泄漏量
  • Exact location of the spill

Quickly attempt to determine what was spilled; however, do not come into contact with the substance or inhale fumes.

Secure 和 evacuate immediate area.

If you experience eye irritation, burning lungs or other symptoms of chemical exposure, 拉响大楼的火警警报,通知其他人撤离大楼.

If someone has been splashed with the chemical, 立即用水冲洗污染区域,并在需要时寻求医疗援助.

公共安全Facilities Man年龄ment 和 Planning, in conjunction with local authorities, 是否会处理该事件,并在需要时通知校外响应单位.

Building evacuees should remain at a safe distance, 起风, 直到有管辖权的当局宣布大楼安全,可以重新进入.



  • 摇晃或撞击物品.
  • open, smell, touch or taste the item.
  • Isolate the item immediately.

Immediately notify 公共安全 at (314) 529-9500 或打电话 911.


  • 来电者姓名
  • Description of the object 和 exact location
  • If a letter or pack年龄 is open 和/or a threat is identified


  • Evacuate the building immediately in an orderly fashion.


  • 限制接触.
  • 撤离该地区.


  • Isolate the area in which the item is located.
  • 撤离该地区.
  • Wash your h和s with soap 和 water.


Follow any further direction authorities on site may give. 除非消防部门或公共安全部门通知安全,否则不要再进入大楼.